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Clinicians Who Provide Letters

This is a list of Providers who agree to provide a letter for hormones/ surgery/ gender marker change/ procedures/ name change and more for the trans/ non binary/ non conforming and many more non cis identities after ONLY 1 SESSION. The tabs at the bottom indicate the states the professionals are able to write letters in.

Click Here to Find Mental Health Providers Who Will Provide Letters On First Session

For Mental Health Professionals

If you want to be added to the list please contact

You need to:

  1. Send me your name
  2. Contact information to be listed
  3. Type of license or degree or acronym after your name
  4. Let me know what state(s) you can practice in
  5. Language(s) assessment can be done in
  6. Be willing to write people letters to start hormones and/or have surgery after 1 assessment/session
  7. Be willing to sign off and/or write a letter for a gender marker and/or name changes related to state/driver license and/or passports


(Gatekeeping is when someone in a position of power prevents someone from having access to something that others have.)

People using this list to find providers

Please reach out to me at if you experience any issues

Wanting training on assessment and letter writing

Proceed to this link to purchase a recorded 50 minute training, letter templates, PowerPoint. Additionally, email for a free 15 minute consultation for any questions/comments/concerns that is not addressed in the training material. For flexible pricing and other financial accommodations, please email

You can, click here to see other items in the shop.


“I had an incredibly positive experience at the No More Gatekeeping training. Van and their team’s passion and deep knowledge were evident before, throughout, and after the training, making it engaging and informative. They went above and beyond to ensure that the content was relevant and encouraging for providers who are dedicated to supporting individuals in assessing individuals and supporting their access to affirming procedures. I highly recommend Van’s training for any clinician seeking to enhance their knowledge, confidence, and skills in this area. Aided in part through this training, I feel more confident and prepared to assess clients and advocate for their access to affirming procedures.โ€

-Alexandra Gulbis (she), LCSW