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Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a Sponsor

Want to help support our efforts and the Do Something: Identity(ies) Conference? Become a sponsor!

We want to thank you for your support!

We want to assure you that your money will be going to good use and be directly supporting the efforts of the conference in making it as accessible and equitable as possible. As an example, a unicorn donor’s sponsorship ($5,000) assists in paying for the following expenses for the conference:

– 6% for tech support

– 18% of presenters’ costs

– 13% of interpreting costs

– 12% of marketing costs

– 3.5% of organization & logistics

Please choose a sponsorship tier below and fill out the form to complete your sponsorship donation:



Platinum Star

$4,000 – $4,999

Gold Star

$3,000 – $3,999

Silver Star

$2,000 – $2,999

Bronze Star

$1,000 – $1,999

Copper Star

$500 – $999

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