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Internalized Homophobia Straight

It is vital that we address and become aware of how we are perpetuating violence on the LGBQPA+ community with the language we use. I have intentionally left out the T because this is in relation to sexual orientation and not identity/gender identity. People are often quick to use the term “straight” without realizing the message it is communicating the continuous harm and impact it is having on the LBGQPA+ communities.
When we explore the term “straight” and create a list of words that are the opposite one might land on words such as crooked, broken, zig zag, winding, askew and/or other words. When we compare straight to these synonyms it becomes clear that, on average, the term straight is preferential to the synonyms. When we are referring to heterosexual people we are inadvertently communicating that people who are heterosexual are better than, superior, correct, right and much more.
The term straight about one’s sexuality is a homophobic microaggression communicating superiority to all other sexualities. It creates favoritism to heterosexual identities while communicating indirectly negative messages about all other identities. Which in turn fuels our internalized homophobia (messages we hold inside that we are not aware of that communicate negative messages about homosexuality).
It is vital that we continue to cultivate an awareness of our internalized isms and phobias and are intentional with our language. When we are referring to someone’s sexuality, let’s use terms that address and communicate neutral messages about these identities. Choosing heterosexual over straight is engaging in allyship and creating new internalized messages that does not create inferior identities.